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One of the many benefits of membership in SWCOLT is receiving our newsletter!

SWCOLT Newsletter is each winter.  It is an online publication that contains information regarding the Conference as well as articles of interest to language teachers.

Announcements of scholarships, grants and awards are also included in Newsletter.

The editor welcomes for consideration articles and short news items pertaining to foreign language instruction, international studies and travel for inclusion in the SWCOLT Newsletter.  In addition, the Conference Onsite Program is published in conjunction with the annual meeting each spring.

Send copy to:

SWCOLT Newsletter
Mike Wood, Editor

Deadlines  are November 14 for the Winter Newsletter (Online Publication) and January 9 for the Onsite Program


Note that there is a 10% discount for ordering ads in both issues at the same time.


Winter Newsletter / Preliminary Program Issue - Online Publication

Interior Quarter Page (3.25 x 4.5, vertical) ..................................................... $110.00            

Interior Half Page (4.75 x 7, horizontal) .......................................................... $180.00           

Interior Full Page (6.5 x 9, vertical) ................................................................. $255.00          

Inside Front or Back Cover (7 x 9, vertical) ...................................................... $300.00            

Outside Back Cover (7 x 8, vertical).................................................................. $400.00         


Official Conference Program (February, 2017)

Interior Quarter Page (3.25 x 4.5, vertical) ..................................................... $90.00             

Interior Half Page (4.75 x 7, horizontal) .......................................................... $125.00             

Interior Full Page (6.5 x 9, vertical) .................................................................. $175.00           

Inside Front or Back Cover (7 x 9, vertical)....................................................... $200.00              

Outside Back Cover (7 x 8, vertical) ................................................................. $300.00   




CONNECTIONS - A Journal for Language Educators

Please note that the publisher of Connections is now the Foreign Language Association of Northern California instead of SWCOLT. Members of either organization are invited to submit articles to Connections. Links to past volumes are at this link:

Connections - Journal Information














Paula Hirsch
SWCOLT President 2018
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